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Looking for Board and committee members!


Starting from the end of November, we are looking for members to fill our Media and Activities Committee. Additionally, four positions are opening up in our board. 

The link to sign up is:

Media Committee

The Media Committee makes our association magazine the Fly-Over. We are looking for people who want to express their creativity in writing, editing and designing. No experience required!

Hours per week: 3

Instagram: dv.media_

Activities Committee

Once a month we organize social, sporting and fun activities for our members. If you want to decide what we should do next, or just like to arrange amusement for the other students, come and join the activities committee!

Hours per week: 2

The board positions that we are looking to fill are Chair, Treasurer, Commissioner of Education and Commissioner of Career.


The chair is the figurehead of the association. Their most important function is to ensure that Dispuut Verkeer represents the needs of its members. By being amongst (student) members actively, the chair should know what the ongoing topics are within the Association.


The treasurer is responsible for the financial accounting of Dispuut Verkeer. The main tasks of the treasurer encompass an up to date cashbook, managing bank accounts, executing transactions from those accounts and managing some non-liquid assets/property.

Commissioner of Education (TIL/TTE)

The commissioners of Education are responsible for the education part of Dispuut Verkeer. They will handle education related questions from students and contact the corresponding professor or coordinator and organize evaluation sessionos with them.

Commissioner of Career

The commissioners of Career look for sponsors for the association. You will have direct communication with companies in the TIL/TTE sector. Therefore, this role brings you a combination of skills in sales, networking and strategic partnership development.

If you are interested, you can sign up with the following link.
