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Introduction week for new students


In September a new group of students will start their TIL Master's, so to welcome them we will organize a bunch of fun activities to get to know their fellow students!

Monday September 2nd is the introduction day organized by TU Delft, where you will receive the most important information in the morning, then have lunch together. In the afternoon there will be a fun activity.

From Tuesday September 3rd until Friday September 6th, CEG Room 4.08 will be open during lunchtime (12:45-13:30) so everybody can get free coffee and snacks. This room is called the HoK, which is Dispuut Verkeer's office.where our members are always welcome to have a chat with the board or fellow students. We call this lunchtime activity the 'coffee corner' and normally organize one every Monday when there is no lunch lecture.

On Wednesday September 4th, there is a BBQ for firstyears to enjoy some grilled food and drinks with the other new students.

Thursday September 5th is the first V-Drinks of the year at PSOR, the faculty café of CEG. The V-Drinks is an activity that we organize once a month where all our member get free drinks (beer/wine/soda) and can hang out together. Students of all years are welcome

Monday September 9th is our first lunch lecture. A lunch lecture is a lecture during lunch time (12:45-13:30), normally organized on a Monday, with a career- or education- oriented goal. Speakers from different companies and departments come to inform you about their work, so you as a student can orient your self on what you would like to do after your study.

We are looking forward to seeing all new students at these activities!
