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Board 2023-II Installed


During the General Assembly (GA) yesterday, the new board 2023-II was installed. First, board 2023-I explained the progress/results of their policy points, and also made some suggestions for the new board. After a short break with coffee, tea and cookies, the new board gave us an impression of what their goals for the next few months would be: 

  • Ensure that the board is more approachable for DV-members.

  • Further integrate TIL and TTE students of all years, especially first years.

  • Implement a social safety network within Dispuut Verkeer.

We also announced that we will be raising the contribution starting in the 2024/2025 academic year. This is because (1) we need to cover all fixed costs, which have also raised in previous years. (2) We have kept the 5 euro contribution for the past 15 years now, and we realize that it should have been raised earlier, hence we are not able to do it more gradually. (3) We are still in line with other student associations, that have similar pricing. As of next academic year, we will maintain the following prices:

  • Student membership: €10
  • Alumni membership: €15

Each member then continued with their role-specific policy points. After that, the new committees were installed. The committees now exist out of the following members:

  • Activities: Laurens Westerhuis, Adri Hooijer, Sander van Heyningen, Tijmen Hoedjes, Jochem den Nijs & Tabia Binta Farazi.
  • Study Tour: Jorn van Steen, Caroline Aalders, Eka Devi Wulandari, Nadhira Zahrani Widiafina, Emma Dijkstra, Jasper van den Broek & Lia Kondova.
  • Media: Tomas Bisschop, Alain Carrer, Lia Kondova & Emma Dijkstra.

In the evening, the board hosted their V-drinks, where many members attended to eat pizza and drink some beer! The discharged board 2023-I gave the new board a gift: a new flag! Other master disputes tried to steal these flags during the evening, but luckily we were sharp enough to not let that happen. We actually got one of their flags instead!

The next V-drinks will be on the 21st of December (holiday edition!), will you help protect our flags then too (and get some free drinks)?
