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Dispuut Verkeer Board 2024-I


Lia Kondova 

Hi there! My name is Lia Kondova, a second year TIL-student from Bulgaria, with a background in Industrial Engineering and Management. Currently, (I am very happy and proud to say that) I am the Chair of our beloved study association Dispuut Verkeer! During my time in the Board, I will also be the Secretary and QQer of the Study Tour committee and will continue being an active member of the Media committee. My main role as Chair is to ensure that my fellow Board members feel comfortable in their roles, so they can fulfill their duties to the best of their abilities. I also keep track of our mutual goal, namely - making the association a safe, fun and educational space for every TIL and TTE student, despite who they are or where they come from.

It is also within my role to actively engage with fellow DV-ers, in order to know about ongoing topics and concerns within the DV. This engagement is crucial for ensuring that the association will be able to address and represent the needs of its members. To me, the point of DV is not only to have a good time together (that's a given!), but to also find help, support and maybe even a shoulder to cry on during difficult times. And hopefully in the process we will be able to meet interesting new people, build friendships and make our time in our Master's program matter. 

I am here for all of you, so don't hesitate to contact me, either in person or via


Kristian Terlien

Hello, my name is Kristian, the secretary of Dispuut Verkeer. I am a first year TIL-student and I have a background in Applied Physics. My most visible task is keeping all our members up to date with the latest activities and other important information. I am also the first contact person for any questions you may have. In addition, I am also part of the activities committee where we organize the most amazing events! I really enjoy seeing all my fellow members there. Personally, I am really interested in buses which is why I work part-time as a bus driver in Delft. So I would really recommend taking the bus in Delft so you can meet me there, otherwise you can find me often at the HoK!


Jasper van den Broek

Hey everyone! My name is Jasper van den Broek and I am the treasurer of Dispuut Verkeer. Currently I am a first-year Transport, Infrastructure, and Logistics student, and before that I studied Civil Engineering right here in Delft. I am interested in places where people meet transportation infrastructure, and I am happy to be able to study them!
In the upcoming year, I'll be responsible for making sure that the Dispuut spends and receives the right amount of money. In addition to that, I wil also QQ our Study Tour committee, together with our chair, Lia. I look forward to this year and am excited to be involved with all the activities that Dispuut Verkeer has to offer!


Jochem den Nijs
Commissioner of Education TIL

Hey all, I am Jochem the Commissioner of Education TIL. As of this year I study the masters in Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics after finishing my bachelor of Civil Engineering here in Delft. When I am not studying I can usually be found on the volleyball court either as a player or as a trainer. Within Dispuut Verkeer I am responsible for the evaluation of the master TIL, I am part of the Board of Studies and I am the first line for all your education questions. If you have any feedback, compliments or questions about the TIL master, feel free to message me on!


Tabia Binta Farazi
Commissioner of Education TTE

Hi everyone! I am Tabia, the Commissioner of Education, TTE. I am a first-year  TTE student here and before that I did my B.Sc. Civil Engineering in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. 
 In the upcoming year, I'll be responsible for any of your study related questions and feedback. Feel free to send me a mail if you have any education related recommendations or questions! In addition to that, I wil also QQ our Activities committee. Together we will be planning lots of fun activities! I look forward to work for Dispuut Verkeer and meet new people!


Jelmer Nederhof
Commissioner of Career 

Hello everybody! I am Jelmer, the new Commissioner of Career. Currently I’m in my first year of the TIL program. Before that I did my bachelor Complex System Engineering at the TPM faculty here in Delft. Outside my studies I like to play the trumpet or sit in the sun (if there is any). 
My main objective within Dispuut Verkeer will be to help you get a job after you graduate. If you want to explore possible career opportunities or if you’re looking for an internship, feel free to check out the career tab on our website, sign up for a lunch lecture or join an Inhouseday! If you have any further questions, you can contact me via



