TIL Thesis Workshop

Are you curious about what a TIL thesis project looks like? Do you have questions/doubts about the process and practical aspects? Then, this workshop could be the right moment to clear things up!

We are organizing an online workshop on the 30th of October, time: 16:00-17:30. In the first part, a fellow student will introduce his/her research project and share some information on the process. After a short Q&A session, we will present a few slides with relevant information on the process of a Master's thesis: internships, contracts, forms, regulations, etc.

Interested? Join us here on the 30th of October from 16:00 to 17:30: https://tudelft.zoom.us/j/98415060473?pwd=aFdpMUwyaVNmUUF4clcvbTdBSzlWdz09 
