V-Introduction BBQ

On the 6th of September, Dispuut Verkeer will again organize the Introduction BBQ for all T&P staff, other faculty professors that have something to do with the TIL-education, Dispuut Verkeer members, potential new Traffic and Transport Engineering (TTE) and new Transport, Infrastructure and Logistic (TIL) students. 

It is a great opportunity to catch up after the summer break, have a few nice drink(s) and some tasty food with your fellow co-workers, students and welcome the new students! 

Vital information:
6th of September, starting at 17:30 @ PSOR.
Did you sign-up and sadly cannot join anymore? :-(
Please send an e-mail to info@dispuutverkeer.nl so we can unregister you and avoid food waste.

We are looking forward to a nice and sunny BBQ as a fresh start of the new academic year!
Sign-up here
