DV General assembly

We are excited to announce the upcoming general assembly of Dispuut Verkeer on November 23rd at 12:30 in CEG Lecture Hall F. The general assembly is hosted for Dispuut Verkeer members only. 

What is a general assembly?
A general assembly is a official meeting hosted by the board of Dispuut Verkeer for all members. During a general assembly the board will explain their policy points and will present the progress they've mades and give a general update about the association. As a member this is your chance to adress those policies, give feedback, ask questions or speak about other topics you think are relevant for our association. We look forward to your active involvement!

Changing roles
During this general assembly new committee members and board members are presented and installed. The new board will also present their new policy points and members can ask questions. 

If you have any questions regarding the general assembly, your role in it as a member or the role of the board? Please feel free to contact anyone from the board or, by filling in the contact page, or by sending an email.

Traditionally we will celebrate the installment of the new board and the farewell of the old board members at the V-Drinks
