Lunch Lecture

On October 23rd, Lisa and Simon will give a Lunch lecture about their work at Witteveen+Bos. Witteveen+Bos works on a wide range of projects that might interest TIL students as well. Projects range from large infrastructural engineering work such as the new north-south metro line in Amsterdam, to smaller assignments to study the behavior of cyclists in Utrecht. Lisa and Simon will be presenting some general information about the history of Witteveen+Bos and the daily life of a W+B’er, as well as dive deeper into two of their recent projects surrounding infrastructure and mobility. Hope to see you all there!

Witteveen+Bos offers its clients value-added consultancy and top-quality designs for water, infrastructure, environment and construction projects. We use our high-end expertise to resolve complex issues and are a committed partner for our clients. We attach great importance to our independence and to our corporate culture, which allows all of our employees to excel, utilise their talents to the full and maximise value for clients.

Come hear all about it at the lunch lecture!

Unregistration is possible untill 22nd of October 12:00.
