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Dispuut Verkeer now on Spotify


Did you know that Dispuut Verkeer now also has its own Spotify account? There are currently a few playlists that relate to studying, activities and of course Everything Transport which can be accessed here. The idea for such a profile was born during a board meeting, where the question “what’s the best break-up song?” was asked. Then it was decided to put these into a playlist, and hence the account was created. A few other playlists were added, including one from the previous Study Tour participants containing memorable songs from the trip. 

But we need your help: we can’t fill up the playlists by ourselves, which is why we decided it would be a good idea to hear your suggestions! Via a form, you can also your favorite hits and we will add them to the playlists! Also new playlist suggestions are welcome! 

Enjoy listening! 
